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HDcctv alliance/conformity explained - HD-SDI


HDcctv is one of HD analog CCTV system conformity, which is designed for allowing security installers to use security products and combine the video surveillance products from different manufacturers. Without this standard, HDcctv DVR and cameras can not work directly, have to perform complex procedures which in turn increase the installation costs.

This conformity for HDcctv products ensure that HD-SDI camera and HD-SDI DVR from different manufacturers, will be able to operate without additional configuration. To use the HDcctv certified products is important for installer. For them, if the products are compatible with this standard, these products are plug-and-play, which ultimately reduce the costs. For manufacturer and OEM clients, HDcctv certification means fewer products returns and less damaged products, and also it will increase earnings.

The following timeline presents the impact of HDcctv standard where there will be a visible increase in the market for video surveillance cameras from 2013.

To become certified as "Compatible HDcctv" and eliminate the problems for the operation of video transmission and interoperabilyt, a HD surveillance camera or DVR must implement some features. Since many products has been designed before the HDcctv 1.0 standard is defined, which means a large part of the HD-SDI caemra may not be certified.

HDcctv products users will benefit from the HDcctv chip for 2nd generation, which implemented all the functions requires for the certification of this conformity; i.e. the HDcctv chip for 2nd generation, appearing in the previous timeline, represents a total investment in the design of integrated circuits, semiconductor manufacturing ramp and customer service that exceeds 30 million dollars

Lack of interoperability problems

Customers in the field of security are mainly interested in common functions of the product such as the reproduction of color, sensitivity, sharpness, dynamic range, filter privacy, ease of use...etc.

The objective of the HDcctv Alliance is urging competitors to overcome the challenge of differentiating their products from other manufacturers, and cooperate when it comes to device interface technology. We are working to help responsible managers to appreciate that everyone - customers, installers and manufacturers - may have benefits of interoperability that HDcctv certification guarantees.

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Article ID: 21
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2014-08-21 13:32:12
Views: 418
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.4/5.0 (7)

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