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How to secure your home during summer holiday?


Summer is approaching and it's time to prepare all you needs to spend a few days for relaxing life of everyday during this holiday season, 

We always prepare everything, but we may leave something out. What happens with our House? We usually tend to go and leave it completely unprotected. We simply locked the door and close the windows and then believe that our home is protected, but nothing further from reality.

 security dead door lock

With these years of crimes, robberies in homes are completely commonplace, studies reveal that 4 of every 10 homes are robbed while the owners are on vacation or simply absent from their homes.

Nowadays the bad guys are the smart enough to bypass any measured basic protection that we can make, and assist our home in traditional way, but? What's protective measures that we consider to be basic but necessary, we recommend the installation of an alarm for Home Kit? which, in case of intrusion, home owners will receive a call, sms or a video to your mobile phone (according to the chosen system).

With this type of installation, we could find with two situations, but both would protect our residence from danger.

The first situation is that the installed alarm system send a signal to our alarm receiving station, once any changes in your home temperature, or motion sensor detects a potential intruder. Our operator will handle the alarm and check whether it's false alarm or not. We will try to contact the home owner to investigate what happened, and may also consider security guard to check your premises.

The second option is user can choose to install the self-monitoring alarm system. In this case, user doesn't sign monitoring subscription, and no need to pay monitoring fee. The self-monitoring alarm system will send the notification to home owners directly, so that they know what happens in their house and take the decisions to handle the alarms.

The majority of people do not have their protected home as this is deserves, because we associate with alarm with monthly fee for connection, cumbersome installation and maintenance fee.

Well, this in some cases is as well, but in other cases, it is completely uncertain, i.e. becomes a minimum investment of an alarm Kit that meets your needs, self-installing, no maintenance fees, no connection fees and your home will be protected as you deserve.

Design your security system to your needs with accessories needed and adapted to your family, pets, flooding, whatever your need will be covered with our Kit's alarms and accessories.

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Article ID: 22
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2014-08-22 03:21:28
Views: 396
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.4/5.0 (7)

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