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Push notification IP camera + alarm


Push video system is a revolution way of communication for IP cameras

The popularity of smartphones with the tablets makes the combination of remote monitoring and mobile devices is a developing subject in the world of security. 

Video push IP cameras provide crisp, clear images, ie, images of high quality. Provides active notification service, along with detection devices or alarm notification as long as you have an application installed on the mobile. 

The Push video IP cameras have nothing to do with traditional security systems, it applies software technology into video surveillance system for instant notifications and real-time playback, ie. once an event occurs, you will receive push notification in less than 5 seconds, then you can click the video to watch what happens on your smartphone or tablet.

Therefore, once user can view the video, users can make a quick decision and take any action instantly. 

It has alarm function, which alarm inputs and outputs, allow you connect with intrusion detection sensors through cables,  and can be managed on your phone just to have the appropriate application installed. 

For IP cameras, you can access through any mobile device and view what is happening at that moment, wherever you are when it is. 

Some IP cameras have a microphone and a speaker can support two-way communication, ie you can send a message from where you are to be heard through the camera and you will hear what is happening in real time. 

They have a PTZ system that allows us to move and display up / down, left / right and zoom on a particular object, so we can have maximum detail of the object or part of what interests you. Thanks to its built-in Infrared illuminators, IP camera can see under complete darkness condition, offering B/W images with high quality.


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Article ID: 23
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2014-08-22 03:35:24
Views: 529
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (7)

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