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How to replace the DVR's hard drive


Unplug all cables connected to it, including the power cable is disconnected DVR. Remove the screws at the back of the cap in place unit. There are usually two to six of these screws, depending on the DVR model. In a safe place, they will not get lost lay these screws, slide the cover off. 


Locate the hard disk. It is a measure of three and a half inch wide rectangular metal unit. It is usually located away from the other hardware, often in its own bracket. Would have fixed it two to four screws. Remove these, disconnect the cables connected to the drive, and then out of the system. 



Check the drive's label to see if it is IDE or SATA. It will say two interfaces, it used to be which one. The same hard drive any alternative desktop interface type will work in your DVR. Avoid using a laptop drive, because they do not fit, is not designed for high pressure environment of the video stream. 


The new drive bay, remove and replace the old screws. Plug in the cable and the power cord into the drive. They will be the same old way they came out. Once the drive has been installed, put the cover back on the DVR device, and to tighten the screws. Hook DVR back up to the TV, it will be ready to record.


Irina Ng


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Article ID: 30
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2014-09-01 09:59:42
Views: 527
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.3/5.0 (6)

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