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Can your alarm system works PT2262 wireless sensors?


Concerning to the PT2262 wireless sensors compatibility with our G60-Ultimate alarm system. We can confirm they are compatible each other, but must sensors must meet below specification:

  1. Frequency: 433.92MHz (433MHz)
  2. Oscillator resistor value of PT2262: 330K  (sometimes 470K also work)

Different from traditional wireless alarm system, the G60-Ultimate adopts learning technology, it doesn't have fixed address code. It can remember the address code from wireless sensors.

Therefore when enroll PT2262 wireless sensors, you need to put jumpers on address code DIP switch randomly, and ensuring each wireless sensors has an unique address code.

In conclusion, you don't need to match address code. Changing digital code isn't essential, because lately you can change zone type, and sensor type in [Zone Attribute] menu.


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Article ID: 38
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2014-12-24 02:01:13
Views: 3424
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.8/5.0 (20)

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